In Canada

The Manitoba GRO Program: Empowering Rural Communities for a Resilient Future

Unlock funding for rural infrastructure in Manitoba with the GRO Program. Apply by November 15, 2024, for up to 50% funding support. Partner with GrantMatch for application success.



Unlock Infrastructure Potential with the Manitoba GRO Program: Up to 50% Funding Support for Municipalities

What is the Manitoba GRO Program?

The Manitoba GRO program is a one-time, application-based funding initiative designed to help rural municipalities address their most pressing infrastructure needs. By providing cost-sharing opportunities for projects that promote long-term economic, environmental, and community resilience, Manitoba GRO is a crucial resource for local governments aiming to elevate the quality of life and economic prosperity in their regions.

Key Investment Themes

The Manitoba GRO program emphasizes three critical themes for infrastructure improvement:

  1. Renewal: Funding projects that replace or upgrade infrastructure that has surpassed its service life, ensuring safety and functionality for years to come.
  2. Innovation: Encouraging the use of proven technologies and smart design to meet evolving community needs with increased efficiency and cost-effectiveness.
  3. Climate Resiliency: Building or reinforcing structures to withstand the impacts of climate change, such as extreme weather events, while promoting sustainability​

Eligible Infrastructure Projects

Municipalities can apply for funding under several categories, each addressing vital aspects of public infrastructure:

  • Public Safety: Investments in disaster prevention measures, climate resiliency projects, and essential emergency services like fire stations and equipment.
  • Roads, Bridges, and Active Transportation: Projects aimed at improving transportation networks, from resurfacing roads to building new pedestrian and cycling pathways.
  • Recreational Infrastructure: Developing sports complexes, playgrounds, and other community spaces to foster health and active living.
  • Multi-Modal Transportation: Creating or upgrading transit hubs and enhancing regional connectivity.
  • Solid Waste Management: Initiatives focused on landfill improvements, organic waste diversion, and new waste recovery technologies​

Who Can Apply?

All incorporated municipalities in Manitoba, except the City of Winnipeg, are eligible. Unfortunately, First Nations, for-profit corporations, and non-profit organizations are excluded from applying under this program. Municipalities can submit up to two project applications, with a requirement to rank them in order of priority.

Application Process and Timeline

Municipalities must act fast—the deadline to submit complete applications, including a council resolution and evidence of financial support, is November 15, 2024. The evaluation process will assess project readiness, strategic alignment, regulatory compliance, and potential regional benefits​

Why Partner with GrantMatch?

Navigating government funding applications can be complex and time-consuming. That’s where GrantMatch comes in. With years of expertise in securing government funding, our team can help your municipality craft a winning application. We provide strategic guidance, help align your project with program criteria, and offer support to maximize your funding potential.

Take the first step in transforming your community’s infrastructure by leveraging the Manitoba GRO program. Reach out to GrantMatch to discover how we can streamline the application process and boost your chances of success.

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