Business Services

The Province of Ontario has Launched a $50 Million Ontario Together Fund

The Province of Ontario has Launched a $50 Million Ontario Together Fund




COVID-19 Funding Update: A New $50 million Ontario Together Fund will support the development of essential equipment and supplies

To stop the spread of COVID-19 and keep people safe, the Ontario government is launching a new $50 million Ontario Together Fund to help businesses provide innovative solutions or retool their operations in order to manufacture essential medical supplies and equipment, including gowns, coveralls, masks, face shields, testing equipment and ventilators. This new Fund will support the development of proposals submitted by businesses and individuals through the  Ontario Together web portal.

The government will be looking for the most viable, innovative proposals that can quickly provide critical goods and services and the greatest benefit to the people of Ontario. The government is providing one-time funding of $50 million in 2020-21 during the COVID-19 outbreak. It is time-limited and will be available to companies and organizations across the province.

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