In Canada

The Green and Inclusive Community Building Program

The Green and Inclusive Community Building program is providing $1.5B in Funding for Municipal Retrofits or New Construction



The Green and Inclusive Community Building program is providing $1.5B in Funding for Municipal Retrofits or New Construction

Through Infrastructure Canada, The federal government is providing up to $1.5 billion in funding over five years through the Green and Inclusive Community Buildings (GICB) program. With the objective of improving the availability and inclusivity of community buildings in areas that are currently underserved, the GICB program aims to stimulate the economy, create job opportunities, and align to the goals of Canada’s strengthened climate plan.


Eligible Applicants:

  • A municipal or regional government
  • A provincial or territorial government
  • A public sector body
  • Federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations
  • Indigenous recipients:
    • Indigenous Governing Body
    • A band council within the meaning of section 2 of the Indian Act
    • A First Nation, Inuit or Métis government or authority established


Eligible Projects:

The GICB program will fund two types of projects:

    • Retrofits, repairs, and upgrades to existing community buildings
    • The construction of new community buildings that are open and accessible to the public, and that will provide non-commercial services to the community


Funding Details

The GICB program will provide funding up to the following limits:

  • Retrofits up to $9,999,999: 80%
  • Retrofits over $10,000,000: 60%
  • New builds up to the first $9,999,999 of costs: 60%
  • New build costs of $10,000,000+: 50%

$150 million has been set aside and will be made available only to Indigenous applicants.



Applicants with small and medium retrofit projects ranging in total eligible costs from $100,000 to $3 million will be accepted on a continuous basis and funded on a first- come, first-served basis.

Applicants with large retrofit projects or new community building projects with total eligible costs ranging from $3 million to $25 million will be accepted until July 6, 2021.

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