In Canada

ICIP - Green Infrastructure Stream Saskatchewan Program News

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program will provide $900 million in federal funding for infrastructure projects in Saskatchewan. The investments will benefit residents by providing cleaner air and water, reduced greenhouse gas emissions, improved disaster mitigation, and faster commutes and travel times.



Saskatchewan Communities can Apply for up to $525.9 Million IN Funding to Support Green Infrastructure PROJECTS

The Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program (ICIP) will provide $900 million in federal funding for infrastructure projects in Saskatchewan. The program will benefit residents by providing a cleaner environment, improved drinking water, wastewater and stormwater systems, reduced greenhouse gas emissions and enhanced public parks, recreational facilities and other spaces that make communities great places to live. It will also benefit businesses by improving transportation and digital infrastructure for people living in remote communities.

The Green Infrastructure Stream will support GHG reductions, enable greater resilience infrastructure and adaptation to the impacts of climate change, ensure that more communities can provide clean air and safe drinking water for their citizens, and decrease the release of pollutants into the environment.

Eligible Applicants

  • Municipalities
  • First Nations and Métis communities and governing bodies
  • Public sector bodies, such as utility boards
  • Not-for-profit organizations, such as recreation or community associations and boards
  • For-profit organizations, providing they are working with Indigenous entities and/or municipalities


Federal funding for Saskatchewan's eligible projects under the Green Infrastructure Stream is as follows:

  1. Green Infrastructure Stream – $525.9 million
    • Projects that support greenhouse gas emission (GHG) reductions
    • Projects that enable greater resilience infrastructure and adaptation to the impacts of climate change disaster mitigation
    • Projects that ensure that more communities can provide clean air and safe drinking water for their citizens
    • Projects that decrease the release of pollutants into the environment

The federal and provincial funding contributions will vary depending on the funding stream and the applicant type.


Applicant Type Federal ICIP Contribution Provincial ICIP Contribution
Municipal At least 40% * Up to 33.33%
Non-Profit Up to 40% Up to 33.33%
Indigenous Up to 75% Up to 25%
Private Sector – For-Profit Up to 25% 0%


*Contributions listed above are estimates. Actuals will be confirmed upon project approval from the Government of Canada.



The ICIP Green Infrastructure Stream (water, wastewater and other projects) intake opened Tuesday Sept 20, 2022, and will close Tuesday Nov 29, 2022.


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