In Canada

Up to $20M in Grant Funding is Now Available to Large Industrial Emitters in Alberta

Up to $20M in Grant Funding is Now Available to Large Industrial Emitters in Alberta



The program, which has a fast-approaching deadline of Oct. 30th, 2020, covers up to 75% of eligible costs related to green initiatives.


Industrial Energy Efficiency, Carbon Capture Utilization and Storage Grant Program


The IEE CCUS Grant Program offers funding support for industrial energy efficiency and carbon capture, utilization and storage projects. Successful applicants are eligible to receive grant funding for up to 75% of project costs, up to a maximum of $20 million.

The IEE CCUS will help Alberta’s large industrial emitters:

  • Reduce emissions
  • Increase competitiveness
  • Lower carbon compliance costs
  • Improve energy efficiency through technology and equipment upgrades


Eligibility for this opportunity is limited to businesses that subject to Technology Innovation and Emissions Reduction (TIER) Regulation, which automatically applies to facilities which emit more than 100,000 tonnes of carbon dioxide. Facilities that emit less may opt-in to the regulation. Project applications will be evaluated against a set of five major criteria including:

  • Meets the program alignment and application requirements
  • Reduces greenhouse gas emissions
  • Benefits industry competitiveness
  • Benefits job creation, environmental and social governance outcomes, and economic resilience
  • Represents project strength demonstrated by short timelines for implementation and job creation, and the use of additional funding sources or internal capital.

Meet with us to discuss your project

We are here to help. The GrantMatch team can help you determine your eligibility, and begin preparing for this fast approaching application window. Click the blue button below to get started! Key industries of focus for this program include:

  • Energy
  • Mining
  • Chemicals
  • Transportation
  • Manufacturing 


The deadline to apply is 5:00 pm MDT on October 30, 2020.

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