Food Processors

Food & Beverage

The Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative

The Agri-Tech Innovation Initiative (SCAPON-ATII) aims to foster innovation in the agricultural and food sector within Ontario.

Federal Grants

Supply Management Processing Investment Fund

Canada investing $397.5 Million to help dairy, egg, and poultry processors address challenges affecting their productivity and competitiveness.

In Canada

Agri-Food Energy Cost Savings Initiative

The Agri-Food Energy Cost Savings Initiative is designed to support competitiveness, profitability, growth and long-term sustainability of agri-food...

Federal Grants

Strategic Agri-Food Processing Fund

The Strategic Agri-Food Processing Fund Program helps enhance processing capacity in Ontario through investments in major expansions and the...

In Canada

The Innovation Booster Program

Funded by the Canadian Food Innovation Network (CFIN), The Innovation Booster Program is a funding program designed to provide flexible and rapid...

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