Food Processors

Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership-Alberta

Funding that invests in projects that increase company sales and production capacity, expand market opportunities and create jobs in Alberta.



Grant funding for the agriculture and food Processing sectors

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership - Emerging Opportunities Program supports the Government of Alberta’s strategic objectives related to growth and development of Alberta’s value-added agriculture sector. The program supports projects that focus on innovation and result in significant company growth and sector impact. Projects can include new technologies, best new practices, significant capacity expansions and new builds.

The Sustainable Canadian Agricultural Partnership- Value-Added Program supports the diversification and growth of Alberta’s value-added food and bio-industrial processors through investment in projects that increase company sales and production capacity, expand market opportunities and create jobs in Alberta.

Funding Categories

Emerging Opportunities Program

  • Maximum grant funding provided by this program is $1,000,000 per fiscal year, to a project maximum of $2,000,000. Costs are shared at 25% for approved capital expenses and 50% for approved non-capital expenses.

Value-Added Program

  • Value-Added Stream A: (maximum grant $50,000) applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria.
  • Value-Added Stream B: (grant over $50,000 to maximum grant $250,000) applications are assessed based on eligibility criteria and merit scoring.
  • Eligible capital expenses shall be cost-shared at 25% grant and 75% applicant.
  • Eligible non-capital expenses shall be cost-shared at 50% grant and 50% applicant to a maximum of $50,000. The $50,000 maximum includes a $5,000 maximum for travel expenses.

Eligibility Requirements

Emerging Opportunities Program

To be eligible for this program, an entity must be:

  • Registered and operating in Alberta
    • Eligible applicants not operating in Alberta at the time of application must prove they will operate in Alberta and meet the intended project outcomes by no later than March 31, 2028.
  • In good standing in accordance with applicable legislation
  • An agriculture or bio-industrial processor, or an industry organization

Value-Added Program

To be eligible, an applicant must be:

  • A bio-industrial processor or food processor that is in the business of changing an agricultural product into a value-added product
  • An individual or a corporation registered in Alberta that is operating in Alberta, or that can establish to the satisfaction of the minister that it will operate in Alberta

For the purposes of Stream B, an applicant must also have $100,000 or greater in global annual gross sales at the time of application.

Eligible Activities

Emerging Opportunities Program

  • Equipment and engineering related to new processing facilities and significant expansion projects that increase processing capacity in Alberta
  • Initiatives that explore market opportunities and directly address barriers to export and new market access
  • Activities that promote collaboration amongst companies to grow the sector
  • Any other activity deemed eligible by the Minister that supports an emerging opportunity in the sector

Value-Added Program

  • Processing capacity expansion
  • Food safety improvement
  • New product and process development
  • Market development and access


Emerging Opportunities Program

Applications are accepted year round, though this program will close when all funding has been allocated.

May 15, 2023 at 11:59 pm MST.

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