Provincial Grants

Canadian Agricultural Partnership Alberta - Emerging Opportunities Program

The Emerging Opportunities program is an invitation-based grant program that supports strategic initiatives in the province that contribute to significant sector growth and creation of jobs in Alberta.



Alberta-based Food Processors & Agri Businesses Can now Apply for up to $500,000 in Grant Funding 

The Canadian Agricultural Partnership is a five-year, $3 billion federal-provincial-territorial investment in the agriculture, agri-food, and agri-based products sector that began in April 2018. In Alberta, the Canadian Agricultural Partnership represents a combined federal & provincial investment of $406 million in strategic programs and initiatives for the agricultural sector.

An invitation-based grant program, The Emerging Opportunities Program supports strategic initiatives that contribute to significant sector growth, development, and job creation in Alberta. The deadline to apply is July 12, 2021.

To be eligible for this program, a business must be registered and operating in Alberta, and be in good standing in accordance with applicable legislation.

Eligible Applicants

  • Food processors
  • Bio-industrial processors
  • Agri-businesses
  • Industry Organizations


Project Eligibility 

Projects must include at least one of the following activities:

  • Equipment, installation, and engineering related to new manufacturing facilities and expansion projects in Alberta
  • Initiatives to explore new market opportunities and directly address barriers to export and market access
  • Initiatives to promote collaboration among companies to grow the sector
  • Any other activity deemed eligible by the Minister that supports an emerging opportunity in the sector

Funding Details

  • Maximum grant funding provided by this program is $500,000 per fiscal year
  • Projects will only be considered under one program (i.e., processors cannot apply to more than one Alberta CAP program for the same project expenses)
  • Further details will be shared with applicants invited to apply for this funding



Applicants with eligible projects have until July 12, 2021 to apply

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