In Canada

Strategic Priorities Fund -  Program News

The Strategic Priorities Fund is a program available to local governments and other recipients outside of the Metro Vancouver Regional District. Aiming to support infrastructure and capacity building projects that are either large in scale, regional in impact or innovative, and align with the program objectives of productivity and economic growth, a clean environment and strong cities and communities.



Up to $6 Million in Funding Available to Local Governments in British Columbia

The Canada Community Building Fund is now accepting applications to its Strategic Priorities Fund program.

The Strategic Priorities Fund is a program available to local governments and other recipients outside of the Metro Vancouver Regional District. Aiming to support infrastructure and capacity building projects that are either large in scale, regional in impact or innovative, and align with the program objectives of productivity and economic growth, a clean environment and strong cities and communities.

The SPF intake will be open from April 1 to June 30, 2022.

Eligible Applicants

  • All local governments outside of Metro Vancouver
  • Ultimate Recipients sponsored local governments:
  • Ultimate Recipients are defined as: a local government; a non-municipal entity, including for-profit, non-governmental and not-for-profit organizations located and operating in British Columbia; and BC Transit.

Eligible Activities

  • Capital Infrastructure Stream

      The SPF-Capital Infrastructure stream provides grant funding specifically targeted for the capital costs of local government infrastructure projects that are large in scale, regional in impact, or innovative and support national objectives of productivity and economic growth, a clean environment, and strong cities and communities.
  • Capacity Building Stream 

      The SPF-Capacity Building stream provides grant funding for local government capacity-building projects including asset management, long-term infrastructure planning, and integrated community sustainability planning that supports national objectives and are large, regional in impact, or innovative.

Funding Details

  • The SPF program can contribute a maximum of 100% of the cost of eligible activities – to a maximum of $6 million.
  • Capital Infrastructure Stream: Up to $100 million is available.
  • Capacity Building Stream: Up to $5 million is available.
  • Costs may be eligible on a retroactive basis with eligibility for reimbursement from the date of application submission.   


The deadline for application is June 30, 2022.

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