
Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program

Enhancing Mobility for All: The STIP Initiative Spurs Economic Prosperity and Extends Infrastructure Durability



Driving Accessible, Safe, and Efficient Transportation: STIP Boosts Economic Growth and Prolongs Infrastructure Lifespan

The Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP) is a flagship initiative by the Alberta government aimed at supporting strategic projects that enhance the transportation infrastructure across the province. This program provides substantial financial assistance to eligible projects, spanning a diverse range of transportation-related endeavors such as road and bridge construction, public transit enhancements, and active transportation infrastructure. STIP is designed to foster economic growth, improve safety, and contribute to the overall sustainability of Alberta's transportation network.


Funding Streams at a Glance:

  1. Community Airport Program:

    • Stream Priorities: Rehabilitation and improvement of community-owned public-use airports.
    • Funding Level:
      • 75% provincial contribution for eligible project costs.
      • 25% municipal contribution for eligible project costs.
      • For runway extensions:
        • 1/3 provincial contribution for eligible project costs.
        • 1/3 municipal contribution for eligible project costs.
        • 1/3 industry contribution for eligible project costs.
  2. Local Road Bridge Program:

    • Stream Priorities: Rehabilitation and maintenance of bridges and bridge-sized culverts on municipal roads.
    • Funding Level:
      • 75% provincial contribution for eligible costs.
      • 25% municipal contribution for eligible costs.
  3. Resource Road Program:

    • Stream Priorities: Build or improve road infrastructure that supports industrial and economic growth.
    • Funding Level:
      • 50% provincial contribution for eligible costs of up to a maximum of $3 million per project.
      • Municipalities are only eligible to receive one project approval every 2 years.
      • 50% from municipal and private sector sources:
        • Municipalities are encouraged to provide 25% of the funding required and get a 25% contribution from the private sector that will benefit from the project.
  4. Local Municipal Initiatives:

    • Stream Priorities: Local transportation infrastructure projects.
    • Funding Level:
      • The level of cost-sharing for provincial and municipal contributions varies based on the project.



Evaluation Criteria for Proposed Projects under the Strategic Transportation Infrastructure Program (STIP):

  1. Basic Need:

    • The fundamental necessity and importance of the proposed project in meeting the community's or region's basic transportation requirements.
  2. Safety:

    • The extent to which the project enhances safety for both vehicular and pedestrian traffic.
  3. Functionality:

    • The efficiency and effectiveness of the proposed project in improving or maintaining the functionality of the transportation infrastructure.
  4. Impacts on the Overall Transportation Network:

    • Evaluation of how the project contributes to the overall connectivity and efficiency of the transportation network on a broader scale.
  5. Current Condition of the Infrastructure:

    • Assessment of the existing condition of the infrastructure and the need for rehabilitation or improvement.
  6. Total Traffic Volumes:

    • Consideration of the overall traffic volumes in the area affected by the project.
  7. Truck Traffic Volumes:

    • Specific attention to the impact and requirements related to truck traffic, recognizing the importance of freight movement.
  8. Cost Effectiveness and Efficiency:

    • An evaluation of the project's cost-effectiveness and efficiency in achieving its objectives.
  9. Collaboration or Partnership:

    • Recognition of collaboration or partnerships with industry, other municipalities, or Metis Settlements, emphasizing the importance of collective efforts in achieving transportation goals.
  10. Economic, Social, Environmental, or Innovation Benefits:

    • Assessment of the broader benefits associated with the project, including economic development, social well-being, environmental sustainability, or innovative approaches.
  11. Use of Alternate Sources to Fund the Project:

    • Consideration of the project's ability to leverage alternate funding sources, such as federal grants or private investments, demonstrating financial sustainability. 



November 30th, 2023

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