In Canada

Strategic Innovation Fund 

The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) aims to support research and development that will accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of innovative products, processes, and services. It also supports manufacturing and processing to facilitate the growth and expansion of firms in Canada, including industrial and technological facility improvements and the establishment of new facilities.



Up to 75% of Funding Support is Available for Innovative  Projects in Canada

The Strategic Innovation Fund (SIF) aims to support research and development that will accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of innovative products, processes, and services. It also supports manufacturing and processing to facilitate the growth and expansion of firms in Canada, including industrial and technological facility improvements and the establishment of new facilities. 

The goal of SIF is to promote the long-term competitiveness of Canadian industries, clean growth, and the advancement of Canada's strategic technological advantage. There are five streams available through this funding opportunity:  

  • Stream 1:  Encourage R&D that will accelerate technology transfer and commercialization of innovative products, processes and services 
  • Stream 2:  Facilitate the growth and expansion of firms in Canada 
  • Stream 3:  Attract and retain large scale investments to Canada 
  • Stream 4:  Advance industrial research, development and technology demonstration through collaboration between the private sector, researchers and non-profit organizations 
  • Stream 5:  Support large-scale, national innovation ecosystems through high impact collaborations across Canada 

These streams are divided into two broad components:

  • Business Innovation and Growth (Streams 1,2 and 3)
  • Collaborations and Networks (Streams 4 & 5)  


Eligible Applicants

Eligibility requirements differ between the two broad program components: 

Business Innovation and Growth (Streams 1  to 3) 

To be considered, applicants must: 

  • Be a for-profit corporation small, medium or large-sized  incorporated pursuant to the laws of Canada and proposing to carry on business in Canada
  • Request a minimum SIF contribution of $10M for a proposal with total costs of at least $20M
  • Undertake a project in Canada, 
  • Provide audited financial statements (or equivalent) for the past three  years, and 
  • Be willing to make long-term commitments to Canada (e.g., job creation and maintenance, R&D investments, and other public benefits)


Collaborations and Networks (Streams 4  & 5)

To be considered, lead applicants must: 

  • Be either a for-profit or not-for-profit incorporated in Canada, 
  • Have collaborations with Canadian universities and/or colleges, research institutes, for-profit corporations and/or not-for-profit entities
  • Support large-scale ecosystems that are national in scope
  • Undertake national collaborative projects
  • Request a minimum SIF contribution of $10M for a proposal with total costs of at least $20M 
  • Provide audited financial statements (or equivalent) for the past three  years, and 
  • Be willing to make long-term commitments to Canada (e.g., collaborations with public and private entities, R&D investments, co-op/work integrated learning opportunities) 


Eligible Costs

Eligible costs include but are not limited to:  

  • Direct labour 
  • Overhead (program limits apply) 
  • Subcontracts and consultants 
  • Direct materials and equipment 
  • Other direct costs 
  • Land and buildings

Funding Details

  • Stream 1, 2, 3 may receive a contribution up to 50% of eligible costs 
  • Stream 4 and 5 may receive a contribution up to 75% of eligible costs 
  • Academic Institutions and Networks could get up to 100% of eligible costs 

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