Provincial Grants

Ontario Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program

Recognizing the importance of keeping Ontario's agri-food sector strong through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program will support the modernization of workplaces, by funding projects to implement advanced or innovative technology.



Up to $100,000 in Funding is Available to Farmers and Food Processors to Implement Advanced Automation or Manufacturing Technologies

Recognizing the importance of keeping Ontario's agri-food sector strong through the course of the COVID-19 pandemic, the Agri-Tech Innovation Cost-Share Program will support the modernization of workplaces, by funding projects to implement advanced or innovative technology (such as automation and robotics), that will enhance the protection of workers health and safety against COVID-19, lead to business efficiencies and productivity, and help build the sector's resilience. Projects will focus on businesses within the sector that are at the highest risk of potential COVID-19 exposure and transmission.

Eligibility Requirements

Funding is targeted towards businesses that operate in the following at-risk sectors:

Farm Businesses

  • Greenhouse (e.g. edible horticulture, floriculture)
  • Field nursery
  • Horticulture Field Crops (e.g. asparagus, tomatoes, peppers, garlic, onions, carrots, ginseng)
  • Tender Fruit (e.g. apples, plums, peaches, pears, cherries, grapes and apricots)
  • Mushrooms

Processor Businesses

  • Federally Registered or Provincially licensed meat processing and meat product manufacturing plants
  • Bakeries and Tortilla manufacturing
  • Sugar and confectionery product manufacturing
  • Primary food processing for vegetable and fruit crops. (Primary food processing involves primary post-harvest process including but not limited to: cleaning, cutting, packaging, storage, and refrigeration of raw plant foods to ensure that they are not spoiled before they reach the consumer).

Funding Details

  • Funding is available to cover up to 35% of eligible costs, to a maximum of $100,000 per business
  • To be eligible for funding, projects must have a minimum total project value of $150,000.



  • The application and required documentation must be submitted by June 21, 2021 by 11:59 p.m. EST.

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