Sustainable Communities Challenge Fund

A wide range of projects are eligible for funding, from renewable energy, to public outreach initiatives, to coastal restoration.



A wide range of projects are eligible for funding, from renewable energy, to public outreach initiatives, to coastal restoration. The goal is to help communities implement the climate action they have decided is important to them.

The first round of available funding opened November 7. The deadline for applications is December 16.

Issues of equity, affordability, and health and wellness are closely connected to climate challenges. Urgent action is needed in places throughout Nova Scotia, and the Fund presents an opportunity to include these important issues as part of the community-level climate change response.

Who Can Apply?

The Fund is intended for community organizations and institutions. The following groups are eligible lead applicants:

  • Nova Scotia municipalities
  • First Nations bands and tribal councils
  • Post-secondary institutions
  • Registered non-profit organizations active in Nova Scotia

Collaboration, partnerships, and regional approaches between communities, organizations and sectors are encouraged. For-profit and private sector entities, social enterprises, and municipal-owned corporations can be eligible provided they partner with one of the organizations listed above, who will act as the lead proponent for the project.

Applications from organizations of Mi’kmaq peoples, African Nova Scotians, racialized peoples, immigrants, Acadians, individuals living on low incomes, individuals living with disabilities, older adults, youth, 2SLGBTQ+, and women will be favorably considered.

There are low-barrier supports to participate, available to projects that directly involve and benefit equity-deserving communities who disproportionately experience the negative effects of climate change and face barriers to mitigation efforts.

What Projects Are Eligible?


Projects in the Mitigation Stream seek to avoid and reduce greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to Nova Scotia’s targets for emission reduction. Focus areas under this stream include:

  • Buildings
  • Transportation
  • Energy generation and storage
  • Waste management and circular economy
  • Carbon storage and sequestration

Projects in the Adaptation Stream help communities improve their capacity to adapt to climate change, with the goal of reducing vulnerability and exposure of human and natural systems. Focus areas under this stream include:

  • Built environment and climate-ready infrastructure
  • Ecosystems and nature-based solutions
  • Community coordination and planning

Available Funding

The Fund will provide non-repayable grants between $75,000 and $1,000,000 per project that range from 60 – 80% of eligible project costs. An applicant must make a financial contribution to the project, and their overall contribution may be a combination of cash and in-kind efforts according to the cost-sharing requirements below. The required contributions depend on the value of total eligible project costs. Projects with higher eligible costs are expected to make a larger contribution, which can include other funding sources.

A minimum of 20% of eligible project costs must be contributed by the applicant. The financial contribution may be made by project partners or alternate funding sources such as federal funding. In-kind contributions such as staff time can count toward the applicant’s contribution to a maximum of 10%

Projects with total eligible costs of:

  • Up to $249,999 will require a contribution of at least 20% of eligible project costs
  • $250,000 – $499,999 will require a contribution of at least 30% of eligible project costs
  • $500,000 + will require a contribution of at least 40% of eligible project costs

In-kind contributions

In-kind contributions can constitute a maximum of 10% of the total eligible project costs. These can include donated material, equipment, or labour. Applicants will be required to disclose in-kind contributions within the budget at the application stage. Prior to signing the Funding Agreement, an in-kind contribution form will be provided to grantees to confirm matching and in-kind contributions are available for the project.

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