In Canada

Canada Job Grant Program

The Canada Job Grant (CJG) aims to provide support to individuals and groups of employers who are interested in investing in their workforce. In this funding opportunity, the government contributes direct financial support for employers who are intending to purchase third party training for new and existing individual or groups of employees.



Funding Assistance Available for EMPLOYERS Training or Re-Training Employees 

The Canada Job Grant (CJG) aims to provide support to individuals and groups of employers who are interested in investing in their workforce. In this funding opportunity, the government contributes direct financial support for employers who are intending to purchase third party training for new and existing individual employees or groups of employees. 

 Launched in 2014, the Canada Job Grant allocates upwards of $194M annually to support the upskilling of new and existing employees so that they can perform learn new skills and become more valuable to their organization.

The CJG maintains a provincial stream for each province and territory, except for Quebec, and each individual stream has varying funding amounts and eligibility criteria.

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