In Canada

Student Work Placement Program

The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) aims to support the hiring of post-secondary students for a 12-16 week work term to give them the relevant experience they need to succeed in the workforce. The program works with a designated group of Employer Delivery Partners to match students and employers.



Funding Support for the Hiring of Post-Secondary Students

The Student Work Placement Program (SWPP) aims to support the hiring of post-secondary students for a 12-16 week work term to provide relevant experience for success in the workforce. The program works with a designated group of Employer Delivery Partners to match students and employers. The Employer Delivery Partners work with businesses and post-secondary education institutions to:

  • Provide wage subsidies to employers that offer quality student work placements, and
  • Create partnerships with colleges, universities, polytechnics and CEGEPs to recruit students for these placements

Eligible Applicants

Employers may hire students from program, provided students are:

  • Registered full-time in a post-secondary institution
  • A Canadian Citizen, permanent resident, or protected person defined by the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act
  • Not an international student requiring a work permit
  • Not an immediate family member of the employer

Eligible Activities 

Student work placement activities can include, but are not limited to:

  • Mentorship programs 
  • Co-op placements 
  • Practicums, and
  • Internships

In order to qualify for funding, positions must be considered net new. 

Funding Details

Eligible applicants will be awarded:

  • Up to $5,000 for every student hired
  • Up to $7,000 for every student hired that is in their first year or is from an under-represented group including: 
    • Women in STEM
    • Persons with disabilities 
    • Newcomers
    • Indigenous students
    • Visible minorities

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