In Canada

CleanBC Commercial New Construction Program

The CleanBC Commercial New Construction Program (CCNCP) aims to reduce British Columbia's greenhouse gas emissions.



The Provincial Commercial New Construction Program provides funding for the design and construction of new high-performance buildings that use high-efficiency electricity in place of fossil fuels, in order to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.


Funding Categories


Energy Study Incentive up to $15,000

    • Paid upon approval of the energy study and review of applicable invoices.

Capital Incentives up to $500,000

    • Capital incentives are based on the amount of lifetime CO2e reduced and are relative to the baseline building code of the project:
      • Incentives range from $30/t CO2e to $120/t CO2e
    • All eligible Northern customers* will receive an additional $10/t C02e incentive on all eligible measures installed. The total maximum incentive including the top-up offer is $625,000 per project.
      • * Eligible buildings must have a commercial utility account with BC Hydro and be located north of and including the District of 100 Mile House (latitude 51.628°N).
    • 100% of the capital incentive amount will be paid upon the Customer’s signed and returned Capital Incentive agreement subject to receiving sufficient proof in the form of either a Progress Draw, Paid Invoice, or fully executed Purchase Order(s) or Proof of Purchase of the approved building system(s) in an amount equal to or greater than 100% of the Incentive amount.
    • 100% Electrification BONUS up to $50,000: Projects further electrified from the baseline and built to 100% electric space, ventilation and domestic hot water heating (with no gas boiler as a backup) are eligible to receive a 10% bonus of the Capital Incentive.

Eligibility Requirements

  1. You must have a Key Account Manager
  2. The building(s) must be in BC Hydro service territory, including New Westminster
  3. The project must:
    • Result in at least 400 t CO2e in lifetime GHG savings
    • Involve a technology that provides net electrical load growth
    • Be new construction or major building renovation1
    • Be at the end of the concept design stage

1Major building renovations are defined as one of the following, all of which require a building permit and certified building plans by a licensed professional:

  • Change of use and reconstruction of an existing building space or space within; or
  • Change Construction work of a nature requiring the building or space within to be out of service for at least 30 consecutive days; or
  • Renovations that are worth at least 50% of the existing building’s value and impact the building envelope.


  • You have 9 months from the date of the signed Energy Study Agreement to complete the energy study.
  • You have 36 months from the date of the signed Capital Incentive Agreement to implement the project.

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