Provincial Grants

The Canada-Ontario Job Grant Offers Employers up to $10k Per-Person for Training Costs

The Canada Ontario Job Grant Offers Employers up to $10k Per-Person for Training Costs Employers can have up to 83% of training costs covered through the program



Employers can have up to 83% of training costs covered through the CANADA-Ontario Job Grant


The Canada-Ontario Job Grant (COJG) provides direct financial support to individual employers or employer consortia who wish to purchase training for their employees. It is available to small, medium and large businesses with a plan to deliver short-term training to existing and new employees. This training must be in addition to any regular on the job training that the new or existing employee may receive after securing employment with the business.

  • The program offers employers up to $10,000 per-person for training costs
  • Employers with 100 or more employees can qualify to have 50% of training costs covered
  • Employers with less than 100 employees can have up to 83% of training costs covered

Eligible Costs

The following costs are considered eligible under the COJG:

  • Tuition or other reasonable training provider fees
  • Textbooks, software and other required materials such as; training clothing, tools, equipment and disability supports (maximum support is $500 for each trainee)
    • Other required materials cannot be the price of new equipment or the combination cost of training and new equipment
  • Mandatory student fees
  • Examination fees
  • Travel costs (maximum support is $500 per trainee and is only supported if the trainee is travelling over 24 km each way)
    • If the employer has a travel costs policy, travel costs will be supported according to the employer’s policy up to the maximum $500 per trainee

Eligible Training Providers 

Training must not exceed one year in duration, occur in Ontario or delivered online and must be provided by one of the following third-party providers:

• Colleges of Applied Arts and Technology
• Publicly assisted universities
• Publicly assisted Indigenous Institutes
• School boards
• Private trainers operating in compliance with the Private Career Colleges Act, 2005
• Union-based training centres
• Product vendors 

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