In Canada

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program – Green Infrastructure Stream Intake II

The Green Infrastructure Stream includes up to $7.12 billion in combined federal, provincial and other partner funding over 10 years. This intake prioritizes drinking water projects that address critical health and safety issues associated with water.



$5M Available for Water Projects in SMall to Medium sized Ontario Municipalities

The Green Infrastructure Stream includes up to $7.12 billion in combined federal, provincial and other partner funding over 10 years. This intake prioritizes drinking water projects that address critical health and safety issues associated with water.

Eligible projects

Eligible projects under this intake must increase access to potable water. Such projects include:

  • Treatment plants
  • Reservoirs
  • Local pipes including the distribution system watermain and the municipal portion of service lines
  • Pump stations

ELIGIBLE Applicants 

Eligible applicants include:

  • Municipalities with a population of 100,000 or less based on 2016 Statistics Canada Census data
  • First Nation communities in Ontario, defined as Bands under the Indian Act with a population of 100,000 or less
  • Local Services Boards that own eligible drinking water infrastructure and operate in communities with populations under 100,000 (or are within a municipality that is under 100,000)

Funding Details

  • 73% of costs are eligible for funding, with a maximum of $5M per applicant


Applications for funding under this stream must be submitted by 4:59 p.m. EST on September 9, 2021.

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