In Canada

Low Carbon Economy Fund – Champion Stream

In support of Canada’s clean growth and climate action plan, The Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF) is providing approximately $500M through the Low Carbon Economy Challenge (LCEF-LCEC). The goal of this program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate clean growth through Canadian ingenuity. This funding opportunity is separated into two streams: The Champion Stream, and the Partnership Stream. The Champion Stream is currently accepting Expressions of Interest. The RED program has two streams: - Economic Diversification and Competitiveness Stream - Strategic Economic Infrastructure Stream



Up to $25M Available for Projects Reducing GHG Emissions in Canada 

In support of Canada’s clean growth and climate action plan, The Low Carbon Economy Fund (LCEF) is providing approximately $500M through the Low Carbon Economy Challenge (LCEF-LCEC). The goal of this program is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and generate clean growth through Canadian ingenuity. This funding opportunity is separated into two streams: The Champion Stream, and the Partnership Stream. The Champion Stream is currently accepting Expressions of Interest.

Eligible Projects 

To be considered eligible, a project must result in reductions in GHG emissions by 2030 and over the lifetime of the project. These reductions must be:

  • To sources of emissions controlled by the applicant or project partner (direct) and/or to grid electricity emissions (acquired)
  • Beyond what is required by existing regulations, standards, or codes and ongoing work by project proponents (incremental)
  • Directly and immediately the result of activities funded by the program

Eligible Applicants

The Champions stream is open to a wide range of applicants, including:

  • Provincial, municipal, local governments
  • First Nations, Métis and Inuit government, communities or organizations
  • Not-for-profit organizations
  • Private sector for-profit small, medium and large businesses


Funding Details

  • Applicants can request between $1 million and $25 million in funding for eligible project expenditures, with cost-share ranging from 25% to 75% of total project costs depending on the recipient type



The deadline to submit Expressions of Interest is March 25, 2022.

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