In Canada

Program Update: Natural Infrastructure Fund Now Open

The Natural Infrastructure Fund (NIF) Is Accepting Applications to implement or sustain natural infrastructure across Canada.



Up To $1,000,000 In Funding For Natural Infrastructure Projects Across Canada

The Natural Infrastructure Fund (NIF) aims to support Canadian communities and the environment by providing funding to implement or sustain natural infrastructure. Using natural or hybrid approaches, the NIF aims to protect the environment, support healthy and resilient communities, and contribute to economic growth and jobs.

Natural infrastructure is a way for communities to use their ecosystems to improve quality of life, reduce pollution, enhance biodiversity and habitats, and build resilience to climate change. Examples of natural infrastructure include urban forests, street trees, wetlands, living dykes, bioswales, and naturalized coastal restoration.

Hybrid infrastructure incorporates elements of engineered grey infrastructure to enhance or support natural infrastructure and/or the use of ecosystem processes. Examples of hybrid infrastructure include green roofs and walls, and naturalized stormwater ponds.

Eligible Applicants

The following groups are eligible:

  • Municipalities, local and regional governments established by or under provincial or territorial statute;
  • Provinces and territories;
  • Public sector bodies that are established by or under provincial or territorial statute or by regulation or are wholly-owned by a province, territory, municipal or regional government;
  • Indigenous recipients (Indigenous governing bodies, not-for-profits whose primary mandate is to serve Indigenous Peoples, and not-for-profit Indigenous development corporations);
  • Federally or provincially incorporated not-for-profit organizations; and
  • Private for-profit bodies if working in collaboration with another eligible public recipient.

Eligible Activities

Eligible natural infrastructure projects involve the creation, expansion, restoration, improvement, or enhancement of natural or hybrid infrastructure that is primarily for public benefit.

Projects must reflect one of the four categories listed below:

  1. Planting or restoring green space (e.g., urban forests, green roofs, parks, and community gardens);
  2. Construction or restoration of naturalized water retention or detention systems (naturalized stormwater ponds, wetlands, and coastal restoration);
  3. Naturalized water diversion or infiltration (e.g., establishment of living dykes, rain gardens, bioswales, and permeable land cover); and/or,
  4. Natural infrastructure or hybrid infrastructure projects supporting biodiversity and connectivity.

Projects may include design elements to enhance human access to nature, including green space and water bodies. These are only eligible if connected to the broader project. Design elements include trails, benches, signage, and multi-function piers.

Funding Details


Projects may be funded through Grant Agreements if the total eligible costs are between $30,000 and up to and including $250,000. Projects funded through grants will receive a maximum contribution of $250,000.


Projects may be funded through Contribution Agreements if total eligible costs are over $250,000 and up to and including $3 million. Projects funded through contributions will receive a maximum contribution of $1 million.


  • The deadline for applications is September 27, 2022.

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