In Canada

Tourism Relief Fund

Due to digital storefronts and e-commerce capabilities now being mainstream activities for many small businesses, the Canadian government is providing funding assistance to small and medium sized enterprises through the Canada Digital Adoption Program (CDAP). CDAP will help SMEs boost their e-commerce presence and digitize how they run their businesses behind the scenes by provides funding and expertise to businesses, as well as training and work opportunities for young Canadians.



Up To $100K Available to Assist Tourism Businesses In Canada Recover from COVID-19

Administered by Canada's regional development agencies and Innovation, Science and Economic Development Canada (ISED), the Tourism Relief Fund (TRF) is a $500M national program aimed to support the Canadian tourism industry cope with the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic. Initiatives under this fund will help tourism businesses and organizations:

  • Adapt their operations to meet public health requirements
  • Improve their products and services
  • Position themselves for post-pandemic economic recovery


The TRF maintains a regional stream for communities in the Atlantic, Quebec, Territories, Northern Ontario, Southern Ontario, the Prairies provinces, as well as British Columbia. Each individual stream may differ in eligibility criteria.


Funding Details

  • Contributions to businesses will be either non-repayable, with a maximum of $100K

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