In Canada

Housing Accelerator Fund

The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) program aims to provide financial support to local governments across Canada in hopes to encourage the implementation of initiatives that will boost housing development and increase supply.



$4 Billion in FUNDING TO increase the housing supply in Canada!

The Housing Accelerator Fund (HAF) program aims to provide financial support to local governments across Canada in hopes to encourage the implementation of initiatives that will boost housing development and increase supply. The HAF will also support the development of complete, low-carbon and climate-resilient communities that are affordable, inclusive, equitable and diverse. 

Funding overview

Base funding is designed to incent all types of supply across the housing spectrum. Base funding is estimated at $20K* per HAF incented unit ($40K* per HAF invented unit for applications pertaining to the territories or an Indigenous community). The per unit amount will be multiplied by the number of HAF incented units. HAF incented units refers to the difference between two projections: (1) the number of permitted units that are anticipated without the support afforded by the HAF program and (2) the number of permitted units that are anticipated with the support afforded by the HAF program . The latter would establish the housing supply growth target, which would be included in the action
plan and reflected in the contribution agreement.

Top-up funding is designed to incent certain types of housing supply. Top-up funding will depend on the type of housing and the associated projected increase in the number of permitted units. There is no top-up funding available for single detached homes. The value ascribed to each category will be multiplied by the associated projected increase in the number of permitted units . The targets established for each unit type would be included in the action plan and reflected in the contribution agreement .

Affordable housing bonus is designed to reward an applicant that can increase its share of affordable housing units relative to the total projected permitted units with the support afforded by the HAF. The percentage growth will be multiplied by the ascribed value and then by the total projected permitted units with the support afforded by the HAF. The target would be included in the action plan and reflected in the contribution agreement 

Eligibility Requirements

Large/Urban Stream

Apply for this stream if your community:

  • is in a Canadian province and has a population* of 10,000+
  • Local governments in Canada with delegated authority over land use planning and development approvals, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, can apply.
  • Regional districts, provinces or territories are eligible to apply if there isn’t a municipal-level authority.

Small/Rural/North/Indigenous Stream

Apply for this stream if your community is one of the following:

  • in a territory
  • is an Indigenous community
  • is in a Canadian province and has a population* under 10,000
  • Local governments in Canada with delegated authority over land use planning and development approvals, including First Nations, Métis and Inuit governments, can apply.
  • Regional districts, provinces or territories are eligible to apply if there isn’t a municipal-level authority.

Eligible Activities

Activities deemed eligible include those that fall under one of the following four categories:  
  • Investments in Housing Accelerator Fund Action Plans. 
    • Implementing a new e-permitting system 
    • Implementing high-density as-of-right zoning  
  • Investments in Affordable Housing.
    • Construction of affordable housing 
    • Repair or modernization of affordable housing 
    • Land or building acquisition for affordable housing
  • Investments in Housing-related Infrastructure. 
    • Drinking water infrastructure 
    • Wastewater infrastructure  
    • Solid waste management 
    • Public transit 
    • Community energy systems 
    • Disaster mitigation 
    • Brownfield redevelopment 
    • Broadband and connectivity 
    • Site preparation for housing developments 
    • Capacity building 
  • Investments in Community-related Infrastructure that supports housing.
    • Local roads and bridges 
    • Sidewalks, lighting, bicycle lanes 
    • Firehalls 
    • Landscaping and greenspace  


Summer 2023

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