In Canada

Yves Landry Foundation - Aime Green - Program News

Grant funding offering south, central and eastern Ontario up to $100,000 for the costs of training expenses to adopt green manufacturing principles.



Yves Landry Foundations' AIME Program Offers up to $100 000 In Grant Funding to Adopt Green Manufacturing

The Yves Landry Foundation's newest AIME (Achieving Innovation and Manufacturing Excellence) Program has been created to support Canada going green.  This program is offering manufacturers in south, central and eastern Ontario up to $100,000 to offset the costs of training expenses related to upskilling and retraining their workforce to adopt and adapt green manufacturing principles at the shop floor level.


Eligible Applicants

  • To be eligible for AIME Green, SME’s must meet the following criteria:

    • Have between 10-1000 employees in southern Ontario;
    • Have been continuously in business for at least three years (3 years); and demonstrate financial stability;
    • Operate a manufacturing facility or facilities in Southern Ontario (see map);
    • Manufacture a specific product for sale in Ontario or elsewhere; and,
    • Demonstrate adoption/adaption of greening technologies in products or manufacturing processes


The AIME Green program will support two types of eligible training activities for south, central and eastern Ontario manufacturers:

  1. Training that supports the adaptation of new technology, new processes or procedures or a change within the company to clearly support innovations linked to green innovation, increased competitiveness, and domestic and international market access.                                                                                                                                                                
  2. Training that supports and develops highly skilled personnel in any area that leads to innovation or productivity improvements. This can include the development of new engineering skills; training in the use of new software, hardware or other tools necessary to support innovation; and adopting and adapting new technologies, new manufacturing methods or any other business area that will make a southern Ontario manufacturing company to be greener and more competitive.

Funding Details

  • First-time applicants who have never received AIME funding from in the past may be eligible for up to a maximum of $100,000 with 50% shared costs.                                                                                                                                               
  • Manufacturers who have received funding in the past 24 months, are not eligible; and must wait the 24-month period;                                                                                                                                     
  • Manufacturers who have received funding in the past, but more than 24 months ago, may be eligible for the second tier of funding; these second-generation applications may be eligible for up to $100,000 with a shared contribution of up to 25%. In other words, the company must demonstrate 75% of the costs, with a 25% contribution from YLF up to $100,000.


This is a competitive funding program that is offered on a first-come, first-served basis until funds are exhausted. 

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