In Canada

CanExport - Grant Funding Soon Available to Help Your Business Grow Into Global Markets

With the rapid spread of Omicron, governments have once again implemented restrictions and partial lockdowns that are adversely impacting businesses and community organizations. Over the past several years, GrantMatch has assisted businesses by both identifying their eligibility to government COVID-19 support programs and helping with the application process. During this challenging period, it is important for businesses to be aware and take advantage of available support programs to help with ongoing fixed costs, keep and pay employees, and provide ongoing cash flow.



The CanExport Program Offers Canadian SME's up to $50,000 in Funding to Assist with International Market Development Activities

CanExport is a funding program designed to promote and enhance Canada’s trade diversification efforts. It offers grants and contributions to Canadian companies to help them prepare for and establish a presence in international markets where they currently have little or no sales.

The program will begin accepting new applications at 08:00 AM EST on January 10, 2022, for projects starting next fiscal year, i.e. after April 1, 2022.

Eligibility Requirements 

CanExport is open to all industry sectors. To be eligible, your company must satisfy 5 essential criteria:

  • Be for-profit
  • Be an incorporated legal entity, limited liability partnership (LLP) or cooperative in Canada
  • Have a Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) business number
  • Have fewer than 500 full-time equivalent (FTE) employees
  • Have $100,000 to $100 million in annual revenue declared in Canada during its last complete tax reporting year (or during the last 12 months for monthly and quarterly filers)

Funding Details 

  • CanExport SME provides funding on a cost-sharing basis with the recipient. The applicant may submit a maximum budget of $100,000; the minimum budget is set at $20,000.
  • The program funds up to 50% of eligible costs for $10,000 to $50,000 in funding per project. The applicant is responsible for the remaining 50% (in-kind contributions are not permitted).

Eligible Activities 

  • Gathering market intelligence (custom research, reports and studies)
  • Applying for intellectual property protection in international markets
  • Applying for certification in international markets
  • Seeking expert legal and business advice
  • Search Engine Optimization
  • Translating, adapting or creating marketing materials
  • Attending virtual trade shows, networking functions, meetings or conferences

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