In Canada

Incentives for Commercial Zero-Emission Vehicles Program

The Incentives for Medium- and Heavy-Duty Zero-Emission Vehicles Program (IMHDZEVP) aims to support businesses and provincial/territorial and municipal governments operating fleets to adopt clean technology.



Up to $1M in Funding Available to Businesses and Municipalities Across Canada to Purchase Zero-Emission Vehicles

Higher upfront costs make it difficult to purchase medium and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles (IMHZEVs). The Incentives for Medium- Heavy-duty Zero-Emission Vehicles Program (IMHDZEVP) is helping to make it more affordable.

The Program aims to support businesses and provincial/territorial and municipal governments operating fleets to adopt clean technology. This program offers eligible applicants a maximum of $1,000,000 to incentivize and make the cost of medium- and heavy-duty zero-emission vehicles more affordable. 

Funding Details

The iMHZEV Program offers point-of-sale incentives for Canadian organizations and businesses  who buy or lease an eligible MHZEV. Only the vehicles listed here are eligible for an incentive when they’re purchased or leased for at least 12 months, on or after the eligibility date.

The iMHZEV incentives are determined based on the vehicle class of the base trim.

There is a limit to how many eligible ZEVs Canadian businesses can purchase or lease under the iMHZEV Program. Businesses and provincial/territorial and municipal governments operating fleets are eligible for up to 10 incentives (or a maximum of $1,000,000) under this Program in a calendar year.


Eligible Vehicles 

The department will assess the eligibility of proposed projects. Funding may be available for the following projects:

To be eligible under the iMHZEV Program, a vehicle must:

  • Meet all of Canada’s Motor Vehicle Safety Standards;
  • Be meant for use on public streets, roads, and highways or other paved surfaces; and
  • Be plated and registered in Canada in the eligible recipient organization’s name
  • Be a medium or heavy-duty vehicle with a gross vehicle weight rating (GVWR) of greater than 8,500 lbs.
    • This includes class 2B to class 8 vehicles, including on-road vocational vehicles falling in those classes
      (e.g., refuse trucks, yard/shunt trucks)

Incentive Levels by Class

Vehicle Type

GVWR (lb)

Vehicle Examples

Maximum Incentive Amount

Class 7/8

Coach Bus

(11,794+ kg)

Coach Bus


Class 8

(350 kW and up)

(14,970+ kg)

Dump, cement, heavy conventional, sleeper


Class 8

(under 350 kW)

(14,970+ kg)

Dump, cement, heavy conventional, sleeper


Class 7

26,001 – 33,000
(11,794 – 14,969 kg)

furniture, medium conventional


Class 6

19,501– 26,000
(8,846 – 11,793 kg)

Beverage, single-axle vans, rack


Class 5

16,001 – 19,500
(7,258 – 8,845 kg)

Large walk-in, city delivery, bucket


Class 4

14,001 – 16,000
(6,351 – 7,257 kg)

Large walk-in, conventional vans, city delivery


Class 3

10,001– 14,000
(4,537 – 6,350 kg)

Walk-in, conventional vans, city delivery


Class 2B

8,501 – 10,000
(3,856 – 4,536 kg)

Utility vans, full-size pick-ups, step vans




The deadline for applications is September 15, 2022.

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