In Canada

Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program - COVID 19 Resilience Stream

This new temporary COVID-19 Resilience stream, with over $3 billion available in existing funding, has been created to provide provinces and territories with added flexibility to fund quick-start, short-term projects that might not otherwise be eligible under the existing funding streams. New funding of $120 million will be added to the provincial and territorial agreements of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to support ventilation improvement projects in public buildings.



Municipalities Can Now Apply to the New ICIP COVID-19 Resilience stream

The Government of Canada is adapting the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to respond to the impacts of COVID-19. The Program, delivered through bilateral agreements with provinces and territories, is being adjusted to add some flexibilities, expand project eligibility and accelerate approvals.  

This new temporary COVID-19 Resilience stream, with over $3 billion available in existing funding, has been created to provide provinces and territories with added flexibility to fund quick-start, short-term projects that might not otherwise be eligible under the existing funding streams. New funding of $120 million will be added to the provincial and territorial agreements of the Investing in Canada Infrastructure Program to support ventilation improvement projects in public buildings. 


Eligibility Projects 

Eligible projects will improve ventilation in public infrastructure assets that:  

  • Serve populations that are more susceptible to poor outcomes if they contract COVID-19 (e.g. long term care homes, friendship centers, shelters) 
  • With high occupancies (e.g. schools, congregate living housing)  
  • Where activities take place that are at higher risk of infectious aerosol particle generation (e.g. recreation or sports centers) 
  • Remain open through lockdown, or are the last to close when restrictions are increased, in order to continue to provide services (e.g. Libraries, buildings used as emergency shelters) 
  • Have been identified by public health authorities as higher risk for outbreaks based on local conditions 

 Projects must respect the following timeframes: 

  • Projects must be completed by March 31st, 2023 
  • Project costs for ventilation improvement projects are retroactively eligible for funding and will apply to any eligible expenditures incurred after December 1, 2020. This is a time-limited parameter that applies to projects approved by March 31, 2022. 

Funding Details 

For projects under the COVID-19 Resilience stream, the maximum federal contribution from all sources will be:  

  • Up to 80% for provinces,  municipalities and not-for-profit organizations in the provinces 
  • Up to 100% for territories, municipalities and not-for-profit organizations in the territories  
  • Up to 100% for Indigenous ultimate recipients in provinces and territories 

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