In Canada

Clean Tech Fund

The Clean Tech Fund (CTF) aims to support high-potential clean technology companies by providing funding for development and demonstration projects to achieve market readiness or growth as well as expansion in the global market.



FUNDING OF UP TO $10,000,000 TO SUPPORT GHG reduction in Canada!

The Clean Tech Fund (CTF) aims to support high-potential clean technology companies by providing funding for development and demonstration projects to achieve market readiness or growth as well as expansion in the global market. 

Funding overview

  • SDTC funds on average 33% (up to 40%) of eligible project costs.
  • At least 25% of the eligible costs must be funded through private sector contributions (including in-kind).
  • At least 50% of eligible project costs must be incurred in Canada, allowing for out-of-country demonstration to test market potential.

Eligibility Requirements

  •  A Canadian company that will demonstrate strong Canadian benefits with a defined project.
  • A product or service that has the potential to deliver significant and quantifiable environmental benefits in the short-to-medium term resulting from commercial-scale deployment.
  • A novel technology that is supported by intellectual property owned by the company and a strategy to enable future growth.
  • A defined project supported by a business plan that accelerates growth and achieves profitability.
  • A potential customer or end use partner who can validate market need.

Eligible Activities

Eligible activities include the development and demonstration of promising clean technology projects from start-ups or scale-ups. 
Projects must demonstrate the potential for at least one of the following:
  • Greenhouse gas emissions reduction
  • Reduction in water consumption
  • Reduction of water, soil, or air contamination


Eligible costs for this program include:
  • Salaries and benefits, including administrative labour 
  • Professional and administrative fees related to obtaining and maintaining an Intellectual Property Right and drafting an Intellectual Property Strategy
  • Field testing services
  • Feasibility studies
  • License fees and permits
  • Supplies and equipment, including the costs to purchase, rent, fabricate and install supplies and equipment
  • Purchase, installation, repair, upgrade, testing and commissioning of equipment, materials and products, including diagnostic and testing tools and instruments
  • Furniture (pro-rated amount as applicable)
  • Laboratory and field supplies and materials
  • Reasonable travel and conference expenses
  • Printing and production services
  • Shipping costs
  • Utilities, waste removal, consumables
  • Data collection services
  • Communication and distribution costs
  • Translation costs
  • Project necessary capital items 
  • The depreciation expense of capital items during the Period of Funding


Applications are accepted until all funding has been allocated.

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