GrantMatch Success Stories

DISCOVER examples of what is possible with the GrantMatch team working to SECURE grant funding for your organization

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Food and Beverage

The Food & Beverage sector is a competitive space with an active funding landscape. Government incentives are available to support investments across operational areas, with innovation and supply chain enhancements being key drivers. GrantMatch has the experience to maximize client-funding intake in this area



Agropur Dairy


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Jockey Plastics

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The municipal funding sector presents a unique set of challenges. Municipal managers often take on many roles, making pursuing all grant opportunities across departments a daunting task. GrantMatch has the experience and knowledge to maximize your community's funding intake and record of approval.


City of Kawartha Lakes

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Walpole Algonac Ferry

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GrantMatch is proud to have played a pivotal role in helping Jockey Plastics secure $295,000 for a brand new injection molding machine. By partnering with us, Jockey Plastics was able to identify and apply for various grant opportunities that were tailor-made to their business needs and goals. We are thrilled to have been a part of Jockey Plastics' success story and look forward to helping other businesses achieve their funding goals.

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Jockey Plastics

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With GrantMatch's expertise and guidance, ReFeed was able to navigate the complex world of grant applications and secure the funding they needed to expand their operations and serve more people in need. Learn more about this inspiring success story and how GrantMatch can help your organization achieve its own funding goals.


ReFeed Farms

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GrantMAtch can help you in securing funding for

Skills Development

Harness government programming to up-skill your workforce.

Job Creation

Grow your workforce and attract funding to support your expansion.

Third-Party Training

Finance training initiatives through industry-specific programming.

Research & Development

Attract funding that rewards your strategic initiatives. 


Navigate regional, provincial, and federal incentives to leverage your next move.

Fostering Innovation

Lead your industry in forward-thinking ideas that attract government funding support.