Ontario (2)

Funding for Municipalities

Skills Development Fund Capital Stream

Learn how to apply for funding to support upgrades or construction of training centres for the skilled trades and other in-demand jobs.

In Canada

Forest Biomass Program

This program will focus on supporting initiatives that secure and increase long-term wood utilization across the province, focusing on underutilized...

In Canada

Capital Grant - Ontario Trillium Foundation

Improve community facilities and spaces. Capital grants provide funding over one year to help organizations respond to the capital needs of Ontario’s...

In Canada

Agri-Food Energy Cost Savings Initiative

The Agri-Food Energy Cost Savings Initiative is designed to support competitiveness, profitability, growth and long-term sustainability of agri-food...

In Canada

CME’s Technology Investment Program

CME’s Technology Investment Program aims to help SME southern Ontario manufacturers automate production, reduce their environmental footprint and...

Funding for Manufacturers

AIME Green

This new program has been created to support Canada going green. This program is offering manufacturers in south, central and eastern Ontario up to...

In Canada

Rural Economic Development Program - Ontario

The Rural Economic Diversification and Infrastructure Program will assist local governments in transitioning and diversifying their local economies.

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